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It’s not easy to correct our friends when we know they are wrong. I’m not talking about differing opinions but cold, hard facts like how to count to 4. That’s exactly what Sam the snail needs to do before his friend Norton runs out of luck. Perfect for St. Patrick’s Day or any day Norton’s…
Chelan Ku is so excited to be doing events in her community. Up next, Chelan Ku will be hosting a neighborhood book launch party to celebrate her 7th book, Norton’s Lucky Day. There will be snacks, games, prizes, and more. So often we finish something and move right along to the next thing. We’re all…
A Mistake and A Miracle
A Mistake And A Miracle July 2023 Much of my childhood, I was surrounded by books. There was a shelf in our basement that covered a half a wall, extending from the floor all the way to the ceiling. It was perfect for climbing and each and every inch of it was filled with books.…
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Thank you for signing up to stay up to date with Chelan Ku Books. Here are some things you can expect from Chelan Ku Books: Here are some things you will not receive from Chelan Ku Books:
When It All Began
When It All Began June 2023 I vaguely remember sitting in the back of my mom’s car. The smell of gasoline drifts in through the window. I have a few moments to myself. I can hear the pump as my mother fills the gas tank. The sunlight is pouring through the window and I can…
Advanced Reader Copies
Hello there. You have reached this page because you have volunteered to review my upcoming book in exchange for an advanced reader copy. Reviews can be posted on amazon anytime after launch. The book you have volunteered to review is #Just Can’t Choose and the planned launch date is Memorial Day 2023. For those outside…